Dave Richards - Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Plant - Board Member

Dave Richards P. Eng

Dave Richards has been a member of the Buffalo Pound Water Treatment Corporation Board of Directors since its inception in 2016.

Dave is a civil engineer, and Life Member of APEGS (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Saskatchewan). He brings to the board, more than 40 years of experience working in Saskatchewan, mainly in the field of water management.

Dave has been employed by the provincial government, as a consultant, and as an educator at SIAST. He has been active in his community and the province as a past member of the Saskatchewan Operator Certification Board, as a Board member and Board Chair of the Wakamow Valley Authority, and as a member with various other volunteer organizations. During his time on the Buffalo Pound Water Corporation Board, Dave has played an important role in the development of governance processes appropriate for the newly formed corporation.

Dave received his B.A.Sc. from the University of Waterloo in 1976 and his Professional Engineer certification in 1978.